A Prayer for the Ukraine: O God, our Father, in the days to come, we beseech you to comfort the suffering, heal the wounded, and accept the souls of the faithful departed into Your Heavenly Kingdom. We ask also that the Most Holy Mother of God extend her blessed mantle of protection over the Ukraine. Amen
Reminder: AED Orientation will take place on Monday, March 21st, at 6:30 PM in the Julian Room. Snow date is March 28th. Please RSVP by calling the rectory.
This series, which follows the life of Christ thru the eyes of his followers, will be shown after the 4 pm Mass on Saturdays at St. Norbert, but can also be accessed at any time on various services online: Amazon, Youtube, Vimeo, etc. It is really a must-see. Watch with your family, if possible.
Please remember those going thru hard times with an offering of food items during the Offertory at Masses next weekend. (PLEASE CLICK THIS TITLE for a List of Most Needed Items)