All Souls Day, Thursday, November 2 Court St. Veronica of the Catholic Daughters will be hosting a Candlelight Memorial Service at the 6:30 p.m. Mass on All Souls Day, November 2, at St. Norbert Church for all denominations of the faith. All are encouraged to join us. If you are interested in lighting a candle at this service for deceased loved ones, you may pick up a form from the back of the church. Names of the deceased will be listed in our program and announced during the service, at which time the person requesting a candle will be called forward to light the candle. One candle will be lit per form rather than one candle per person/family listed. Forms may be dropped in the collection baskets, dropped off at the rectory, emailed to [email protected]. Please call 802.793.4764 or 802.472.5088 for more information.