One of the goals that Bishop Coyne has had for our Diocese is to encourage individual parishes to become more involved in ministering to and feeding the poor. Our parish has had a long, but quiet, tradition of collecting food for the Hardwick Area Food Pantry. In order to build on this, we are asking for a greater participation, as Bishop Coyne hopes. Starting in October, we will dedicate the second full weekend of the month (both Saturday and Sunday fall in the new month) to highlight and grow this ministry. We are asking families to bring in food to be contributed. During Mass, at the Offertory, people will be asked to bring their food donation to the altar, adding to the importance and the symbolism of this ministry as it has always been in Christ’s teaching and mission. Please note that next weekend, October 9 – 10, is the second full weekend. You may bring in your donations to whichever Mass you will be attending. Please pick up a copy of the HAFP’s “wish list” in the church’s entrance to aid you in buying the most needed and appropriate donations. You also can make monetary donations to the Food Pantry any time. See their website or include a check with your monthly food donation. Thank you for your cooperation and generosity.