On behalf of the shoppers, staff, volunteers and board of the Hardwick Area Food Pantry, Iwant to send out a specal thanks for all of you who so generously participate in ourmonthly Feed the Poor Ministry. This month you collectively gave a total of 391 pounds offood, far exceeding the second highest collection in April (349). In 2024, our parishionershave donated 3,435 pounds of food, an amount almost equaling what was collected in the3 previous years combined! Space here does not permit, non words be adequate enoughto tell you how important your generosity is for the people of the greater Hardwick area.Thank you. Have a Blessed Christmas, Deacon Dave.
The Parish Council and the Building and Grounds Committee wish to organize work parties to clean up and refurbish the grounds around St. Norbert’s and St. Michael’s. We will be planning two different work parties and will be asking parishioners who have the interest and skills in landscaping and outdoor work to help us. To prepare for the work days we are lookiing for a small group of people who have the interest and knowledge to assess what needs to be done at each site and what materials or equipment are needed to make these successful.
If you are willing to serve on the planning team:
St. Norbert: please call Deacon David, 802-780-7045
St. Michael: please call Pierrette Lyman, 802-533-7169.
(Members of Catholic Financial Life have already volunteered to help with the work days.)
The Parish will again participate in this fundraising drive. It starts on Mother’s Day
weekend and goes to Father’s Day. You can pick up bottles at Masses and fill them with
change or check made out to Lamoille Valley Pregnancy Resource Center.
Return the bottles Father’s Day weekend or before. Catholic Fanancial Life will match a portion of the
net proceeds to benefit Lamoille Valley Pregnancy Resource Center.
If you have any questions, contact Jeannine at 802-586-2899 or [email protected] or Eliza at 802-302-
5022 or www.lamoillevalleypre.com.
Mary Queen of All Saints Parish wants to help our hardworking parish families who may be having trouble paying for their fuel this winter. To help us achieve that goal, we are accepting contributions. Contributions can be made throughout the winter, just mark your contribution for the FAP. We will be working with fuel dealers and other programs.
QUESTIONS: Please call the Parish (802) 472-5544
If you are in need of assistance, you can contact the following:
Irving Oil customers through their ”request a donation” link found on this page: https://www.irvingoil.com/en-US/irvingvalues/community.
If you have a different fuel dealer, please call the rectory for more information. State assistance information is available at https://vtlawhelp.org/energyassistance-programs.
Please do not wait until you have a heating emergency as special deliveries have added costs.
Collection at all Masses on the Second Weekend of each Month.
Most Needed Items
Questions regarding access: Please contact the Hardwick Area Food Pantry: 39 West Church Street, Hardwick or (802) 472-5940
Catholic Daughters Court St. Veronica #1273
Pray With Us
Please join the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St Veronica #1273
as we continue our Daily Spiritual Adoption Prayer which is:
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much.
I beg you to spare the life of Veronica the unborn child,
that I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion."
Formed in 1903, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. It numbers 70,000 dues-paying members in 1,250 courts (local chapters) in 45 states across the country, and in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.
We meet on the first Thursdays Feb-June & Aug-Dec at 7:00 in the Julien Room. We will welcome YOU!
Contact: Deborah Brown, Regent at 802 472-5088 and visit the State website or the National website.
The Knights of Columbus is a dynamic Catholic fraternal organization of men who join together in family, charitable, fraternal, community and youth activities. Any practicing Catholic man 18 years of age or older may apply for membership in the Knights of Columbus. A practicing Catholic is one who regularly practices his faith by going to Mass on Sunday, receiving the Sacraments, etc.
Knights of Columbus, Brownson Council #1568, Hardwick, VT. was chartered on May 13th, 1911. There were Twenty- nine charter members, two of which were Rev. Father Robert Lachance and Rev. Father Eugene Cray. The Knights of Columbus Hall was built in 1969.
We meet monthly, on the second Thursday (we don't meet Jan-March). The meetings and discussion usually last about an hour, preceded by a 7:00 p.m. meal and social time.
Contact: Jon Lussier, (802) 472-5030
Catholic Financial Life is a faith-based fraternal membership organization (our chapter charter2008). It is the second largest Catholic not-for-profit financial services organization in the United States.
CFL Network helps:
The Society and its local chapters also sponsor a number of social, family-friendly, and faith-related activities.
Since its charter, Chapter St. Jean has raised over $30,000 in matching funds and fundraising for our parish, with additional donations going to Faith Formation, Hardwick Children's Holiday Project, maintenance projects and more.
Contact: Jeannine Young 586-2899